It Could a Been You

     The shop has been open a little over a week now, and we couldn't have asked for a better reception.  Thanks to everyone who's come out to check out the shop and give their support, especially our fellow tattoo artists in town.  We're glad to see that the hard work put into the place has payed off, and been worth the time and headaches.  We still have a couple odds and ends to fix up around the shop, but keep your eye out for a grand opening party/ gathering planned for the near future.

     In the meantime here are a couple of drawings of tattoos that we will be starting up in the next week or so.  (A sophisticated gentlemen sloth, and a crows skull with roses).  Jealous that these tattoos are not going on you?  Don't be!  You can get something just as nice if you come down to the shop like these lovely customers have! Keep in mind if you like what you see here that Josh and Aaron have tons of drawings and ideas for tattoos that they really want to do....drawings just sitting at the shop waiting for someone to come and claim them for their very own. So cruise down to the shop to check out what they have, and of course they're always willing to give deals on these tattoos they really want to do.

Josh Wilcox

Josh Wilcox